4. 存储读写工具

标签:存储 读写工具 数据读取



  • 读取表中的单个key

  • 读取全表数据

  • 修改表中的单个KV

  • 比较两个节点的数据

  • 统计节点数据库中状态数据、链数据大小



# 编译时打开TOOLS选项
cmake -DTOOLS=on ..
# 编译得到的工具位于 build/tools/storage-tool/storageTool
$ ./tools/storage-tool/storageTool  -h
storage tool used to read/write the data of storage:
  -h [ --help ]                         help of storage tool
  -s [ --statistic ]                    statistic the data usage of the storage
  -S [ --stateSize ]                    statistic the data usage of the
                                        contracts state
  -r [ --read ] arg                     [TableName] [Key]
  -w [ --write ] arg                    [TableName] [Key] [Value]
  -i [ --iterate ] arg                  [TableName]
  -H [ --hex ] arg (=0)                 if read display value use hex, if write
                                        decode hex value
  -C [ --compare ] arg                  [RocksDB] [path] or [TiKV] [pd
                                        addresses] [ca path if use ssl] [cert
                                        path if use ssl] [key path if use ssl]
  -c [ --config ] arg (=./config.ini)   config file path
  -g [ --genesis ] arg (=./config.genesis)
                                        genesis config file path



$ ./storageTool -r s_current_state current_number
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
read s_current_state, key is current_number
[tableName=s_current_state] [key=current_number] [value=1711]



$ ./storageTool -i s_current_state
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
result in ./s_current_state.txt

$ cat s_current_state.txt
db path : data, table : s_current_state
[key=s_current_state:current_number] [value=1711]
[key=s_current_state:total_failed_transaction_count] [value=1001]
[key=s_current_state:total_transaction_count] [value=44235]



# 读取
$ ./storageTool -r s_current_state current_number
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
read s_current_state, key is current_number
[tableName=s_current_state] [key=current_number] [value=1711]

# 写入
$ ./storageTool -w s_current_state current_number 2000
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
set successfully

# 验证
$ ./storageTool -r s_current_state current_number
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
read s_current_state, key is current_number
[tableName=s_current_state] [key=current_number] [value=2000]

# 删除
$ ./storageTool -w s_current_state current_number ""
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
set successfully

# 验证
$ ./storageTool -r s_current_state current_number
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
read s_current_state, key is current_number
get row not found,,table=s_current_state,key=current_number



$ du -sh ./data/
50G     ./data/

$ ./storageTool -s -S
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
s_tables                       size is 661.029MB
s_consensus                    size is 794B
s_config                       size is 210B
s_current_state                size is 137B
s_hash_2_number                size is 53.1716MB
s_number_2_hash                size is 53.1716MB
s_block_number_2_nonces        size is 33.4512MB
s_number_2_txs                 size is 4.94278GB
s_number_2_header              size is 671.36MB
s_hash_2_tx                    size is 46.5201GB
s_hash_2_receipt               size is 16.5311GB
/apps                          size is 40.3474GB



$ ./storageTool -C rocksdb ../node1/data/
config file     : ./config.ini
genesis file    : ./config.genesis
table u_/tables/t_test is equall equalequall2ea76fe2 is equal
compare data success, all data is same